Learning is the first thing in memory. Without learning nothing can be remembered. There are certain tested learning techniques. Apply these techniques in your studies and see the results for yourself. They are explained below.

Learning through comprehension

If you comprehend the meaning, the pattern, the cause and effect, etc., you can learn any lesson easily and quickly. Not only that, you can retain it for longer periods and retrieve it when you need it. On the contrary, you will forget less comprehended lesson in no time.

Spaced learning

Learning should be spaced over a period of time. Learning a lesson one hour a day for 3 days will definitely be better than learning the whole thing in three hours for just one day. Learn in a fun way. Never take it as a compulsion.   

Learning through recitation

Learning through recitation is very effective. Once you have learned a lesson, revise by reciting it loudly. This will strengthen your learning by engaging your auditory memory. This will improve your speaking habit and pronunciation too.

Learning through writing

Learning through writing is also very effective. Once you have learned a lesson through visual channel, revise by writing it. This will engage your muscle memory to strengthen your learning of the lesson. This will also improve your handwriting.      

Whole and part learning

Whole learning and part learning are two methods we can adopt. Some people are good at whole learning and others are good at part learning. Find out for yourself which method best suits you with the help of the following exercises.


Take two poems of 16 lines divided into four stanzas, each stanza having 4 lines. Name one poem A and name the other B.

                                             (1) Learn poem A by whole method

Read the whole poem from the beginning to the end just once. Reproduce the poem as much as you can. Record the time (T1) you have taken, and count the errors (E1) you have made.

                                             (2) Learn poem B by part method

Read the first stanza just once. Reproduce it as much as you can. Read the second stanza only once. Reproduce that too. Do the same thing for the remaining stanzas. Now reproduce the entire poem. Record the time taken (T2), and count the errors (E2) made.

If the values of T1 and E1 are less than that of T2 and E2, learning by whole method suits you better. While learning by whole method, make efforts to grasp the meaning of the lesson. Once you know the meaning, find out all the major underlying ideas of the lesson. Then link all these ideas to the meaning of the whole lesson.

If the results are just contrary, you better opt for part learning. While learning by part method, divide the whole lesson into meaningful parts. The parts may be paragraphs or sections. Learn each paragraph or section with its underlying ideas. Put all the ideas together to derive the meaning of the whole lesson.     

Learning through reinforcement

You learn better if your learning is reinforced by certain conditions. You learn better when you reinforce your theoretical learning with practical conditions. Learning through reinforcement can be beneficially adopted in science subjects. 

Learning through distinct marks, figures and background

You learn better if you relate your lesson with distinct marks, figures and background. While reading your lesson, underline all the words or sentences that you think are important. Or mark them with marking inks of different colors. Assign them serial numbers and put the numbers in your memory file. Or take the beginning letters of all the marked words or sentences and create mnemonic chains out of them like you do with VIBGYOR.

Learning through association

You learn better and remember longer what you have learned if you learn it through association. Linking technique and guided imagery are all good examples. You can adopt these techniques to make your learning more effective.

Learning just before sleep

While sleeping, you don’t experience anything with your conscious mind. In other words, you don’t learn much in your dreams. You can take this advantage. Learn a lesson just before sleeping and revise it when you just wake up. Practice this and you will be amazed to see the results. 

Confident learning

Confident learning means developing your confidence while learning a lesson. Think that you will learn the lesson. And believe in what you think. Confidence develops only when you believe in yourself.

Never think that you have a poor memory. There is nothing like bad or good memory. Your memory depends on your training and your efforts put in the training.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem

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