If I ask you why should you set your goals, what can be your answer? Most probably you may say it is a silly question. You are right. Without goals, what is the purpose of our life? Everyone should have some goals to achieve in life. The goals may be short term or long term. As the saying goes, if you have nowhere to go, you will reach nowhere. If you want to live a successful life, you have to set the goals for a successful life. If you want to excel in life, you just require the goals for that. The earlier you set your goals, the better. But the question is how to set the goals. Continue reading. I will tell you the basics of goal setting.

The basics of setting a goal are well known to all the toppers in the field of sports, in the field of business, and to all the high achievers in different fields including education. The basics of goal setting give you enough motivation and focus to achieve your goals. If you know the basics, it will be easier for you to set and achieve your goals. They will help you acquire the required knowledge. They will help you plan and organize your required resources and properly manage your time. Consider the following basic points when you set your goals.

Goals should be clearly defined

A clear goal is easily achieved. An unclear goal is not achievable. You should therefore define it clearly. Getting clearly defined goals will enable you to measure your progress. It will enable you to achieve personal satisfaction when you successfully achieve your goals.

Goals should be personal, familial or organizational

Decide what you really want to do with your personal life. Accordingly set the goals you require to achieve. The goals you set can be strictly personal. Or they may be related to your family. Or they may be related to your organization. For example, “I will write a novel” is your personal goal. If you are constructing a beautiful house, it is a goal related to your family. If you fix a goal to raise the fund for your organization in six months’ time, it is strictly organizational. You can’t use this money for your personal matters.

Goals should be Positive

Suppose your company’s turnover is 10 million last year and that of your competitor is 15 million. You can’t aspire to work hard to reduce your competitor’s turnover from 15 million to 5 million so that your turnover of 10 million becomes more than your competitor’s. This is a negative goal. And you can’t achieve it in any way. On the other hand, you can set your goal for 20 million next year and don’t focus on your competitor. Reach your goal by working hard, improving your relationships, business strategies and sales techniques.

Goals should be Practical and Realistic

The proverbial carrot in front of the horse must be properly spaced. If it is too close, the horse will eat up the carrot. If it is too far away, the horse will never try. For example, your company’s turnover is 15 million this year; it can’t become 60 million next year even if you manage your time and employees effectively and change your business strategies. If you are a student and you get 69% marks in aggregate this year, you can’t hope to achieve 96% next year. You may be able to get at the most 89% next year, considering that 20% improvement is possible. Therefore, any goal you fix must be practical.

Goals should be realistic. You should not set goals that are out of proportion. Think of achievable goals when you set your goals.

Goals should be Time-bound

Any goal you fix must be within a time frame. A goal without a time frame is not a goal. It remains a wish or a dream. Even in the regular football match, after the final whistle, whatever goals you score are not counted. If you say you want to reach a turnover of 20 million, it has no meaning until and unless you specify your time frame. The correct wording of your goal can be, ‘I will reach a turnover of 20 million in the next financial year.’

Goals should be Flexible

Any goal you fix must be flexible. It should be flexible at varying times depending on changing circumstances. For example, if you are a student and you get 59% this year, you can fix your goal at 79% next year. Suppose you notice that you have already obtained 75 percent in the mid term exam, you can re-fix your goal. Under the changed circumstances, you can now fix your goal at 95 percent.

Another example of fixing the goal in a flexible manner is: Imagine that your company’s turnover last year was 15 million. This year you fix the turnover at 25 million. But halfway down the six months, you notice that out of 25 million you targeted, you reach only 10 million. And you envisage that it is impossible to achieve another 15 million in the next six months. Under the changed circumstances, you may now consider a little bit of flexibility and say, “I will reach at least 15 million like last year.” It is possible to achieve a 5 million target in the next 6 months. Hence, any goal you fix must be made flexible enough so that you can review it once every three months or six months.

Goals should be Measurable

The goals you fix must be measurable. Any goal that is not measurable is not a goal. While framing goals, the following points may be considered:

I will become a wonderful manager. I will become an ideal husband. I will become a fantastic speaker. These statements are not measurable because wonderful manager, ideal husband or fantastic speaker can’t be measured. So it is better for you to specify clearly what you want for a wonderful manager. For example, the company’s turnover out of the employees’ turnover this year is 15 million. Then you may say I will manage my company and my employees in such a way that the turnover reaches 25 million next year.

Instead of saying I will become an ideal husband, you better say I will start treating my wife with love and only with love. I will make her happy every moment of our life. Likewise, instead of saying I will become a fantastic speaker, you better reframe your goal by saying, “In the next six months, I will present as many talks as possible or I will get the best speaker award within the next twelve months.” These goals can be measured easily unlike “I want to become a fantastic speaker,” which can’t be measured.

Then you have to break down your goals into the smaller and manageable targets so that you can complete them one by one in your way to achieving your lifetime targets. Once you have your list waste no time in handling your goals.

Charting your progress will also enable you to actually see the stages of completion leading to the actual realization of your goals. This eliminates the feeling of a long and pointless grind towards achieving your goal.

Your self-confidence and level of competence will also improve as you will be more aware of your capabilities as you complete or achieve your goals stage by stage.

To start achieving your lifetime goals, make a 15 years plan, then break it down to 5 year plans. Then break it down to 1 year plans, 6 month plans, 1 month plans, then weekly, and then daily plans. Then create a to-do list for each day. Once you you’re ready with your to do list, accomplish everything in the list every day. Don’t leave anything undone. However don’t forget to review your plans and prepare for contingency.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem

There are so many roads to success. One such road is building a network of friends. By the way, have you come across people who are quite friendly and can mix up with anybody in no time? Even in a group of strangers, they will quickly engage in friendly conversations. They will quickly occupy the center stage and others will throng around them to listen and talk. Don’t you want to be one of these people? If you want, you can. And I will tell you how.

We all are social being. We are born and brought up in a society. We live in a society. So your success in a society depends on the number of people who support and help you. If you have a huge network of people behind you, success is inevitable. They will push you up high in the society. Socially-empowered people achieve great success only because people behind them support and help them to do so. They earn love, trust and confidence of the people around them.

The question now is how they can build huge network of friends. Some people are charismatic. They are born so. They can attract and charm the people around them like a magician. But they are very few amongst us. Most of the great personalities had a hard time training themselves to succeed. They faced hard realities. They walked through failures after failures. They didn’t stop. They continued their journey to success. So they achieved success in the end. If you genuinely want success, you have to train yourself. And if you choose the road of networking, here are a few tips you may consider.

Develop your personality

Bad-tempered, complaining, argumentative and generally gloomy type of people can’t go along with others. They can’t attract and influence people. Rather they are irritating to the people around them. If you think you possess some of these traits, get rid of them quickly. They will continuously hamper your growth and block the road to your success. Think of growing yourself into a pleasant personality. Take sustained interest in reading success stories of great personalities. Give special attention to how they go along with people around them. Imitate them and ultimately, their good traits will become your traits. After all, we all grew up imitating our parents and people around us.  

Be confident

When you train yourself to be friendly with people, you have to be confident. Develop self- confidence. You should be able to be friendly with anyone in this world. Take the chance to attend every gathering you are invited for. In any gathering, you will notice some people standing in a corner sipping their coffee alone. They are lonely and aloof. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t want to talk to anybody. Most of the time, they lack the spirit to initiate a conversation. If someone talks to them, they may respond and a good conversation may take place. In your self-training, go to such lonely people with a sincere and pleasing smile and convert your talk into a good conversation.

Practice control

Anger is our worst enemy. It not only spoils our health, it also spoils relationship. Anger is an emotion. You can’t suppress it either. You have to control it. If you are angry in any situation, don't be harsh with anyone. Learn to avoid any kind of outburst. Any outburst will bring down your maturity level. This will hamper your socializing progress. People seldom go to an angry person. So stay calm and collected. Take control of the situation and transform your anger into something productive in human relation.

Be genuine

Be genuine when you smile. Be genuine when you talk to the people. Be genuine in your interest in people. A fake smile is easily caught. Don’t be hypocritical when you deal with people. People don’t like hypocrites. Once people come to know that you are not genuine in your relationship, you have lost every chance of making friends. So do everything with your heart. Only then people will believe you.  

Be a good listener

If you want someone to come to you very often, then listen to whatever they say. Listen to their problems. If you can, suggest some practical solutions. If not, just sympathize with them. If you want someone to praise you as a good conversationalist, listen to them. Simply nod your head or say yes, yes, yes, when they talk. They will say you are a good conservationist. This is the nature of most of the people. If you listen to them, they are happy with you. Take this advantage and listen to whatever they say. But don’t pretend that you are listening. Look at their eyes when they talk. To earn love and trust of the people, listen to their problems with your heart.

Help people

Every one needs help in some way. They may need encouragement in difficult times. They may need suggestions or advice. They may need your cooperation. They may need money. Wherever possible, extend the little help that you can afford. This little help is big enough to win friendship. You don't have to offer all your savings to charity. Little act of kindness is what matters the most. Show a blind man his way. Help an elderly person cross the street. When you commute in a bus, give your seat to a lady if she doesn’t get one.

Love yourself

When you are making constant efforts to become a socially-empowered person and building a huge network of friends, don’t forget yourself. Take care of your health. Without a sound health, you won’t be able to continue with your endeavor. Proper diet, proper sleep and proper exercises are essential for you. Moreover, nobody wants to mix up with an unhealthy person. If you are weak and sickly, no one will come to you. If you want others to love you, you love yourself first. I want to remind you that if you don’t love yourself, no one will love you.

Don’t neglect your family

In your endeavor to build a network of friends, you should not neglect your family. Your Mom, your Dad, your brothers and sisters, if you are married, your wife and children, if any, are all important to you. Your relationship with your family is too significant and precious that you must not neglect it. Give quality time to your family as often as possible.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem

Have you ever felt that things are not going well around you? Whether at work or home or in the wider society, you feel things don't seem to be happening the way they’re supposed to happen. You see people milling around but nothing gets accomplished. You want to do something and you can’t do it alone. Then this is the right time for you to get up and do something about it. Wake the leader in you.

Many people are ready to be led. They are constantly looking for someone they want to follow. Make a survey with a question like, “Why this area isn’t developed well?” Or “Why this common problem can’t be solved?” You will be surprised to hear this answer, “Lack of leadership.” Majority of the people are ready just to stand around listening to a leader. If you want to be a leader and do something for the development of an area, you can easily instill the ‘follow-the-leader mentality’ in them.

Great leaders are made, not born. All of us are born with some talents. And some of these talents can easily be converted into leadership qualities. With constant practice and hard work, any one can be a leader. But you should have a strong desire to become a leader in your field. Without drive and enthusiasm, you can’t be a leader.  And without proper experience, there will be no true development in leadership. It takes time and hard work to become an effective leader.

So to become a leader, you should first of all have a strong desire to become a leader. And with a strong determination to become a leader, you should go down to your field where you will earn your practical experience.  

Good leaders are continually planning their works and constantly working their plans. They study and practice a lot to improve their natural skills. And in the process, they develop leadership qualities in them.

What is Leadership

Leadership requires one to be able to influence others to achieve a common objective or a common goal. They make successful attempts to organize and unite a group to work together towards achieving the common objective or the common goal.

Leadership is not about power. It’s not about control. It’s not about driving people. It’s not about instilling fear in the group. It’s not about using people to accomplish something. On the contrary, leadership is about encouraging a group to achieve the common goal. It’s about guiding and helping the group to see the common benefits. An effective leader is not a boss. They use fair means acceptable to the group.

How to become a leader

To become a leader, you require people to lead. You require people to follow you. Therefore, you have to get people to follow you. How will you get them? Here are a few tips you may consider:

Clear Goals

You should have a common goal to achieve. And the goal should be very clear. People follow their leaders only when they see a clear sense of purpose. They will follow you if they know where you are going. If you don’t know yourself where you're heading, people may not follow you.


Good leaders are quite concerned about their commitment. It’s here that the question of reliability comes.  To be a leader, you should be reliable. People seldom follow unreliable leaders.

Lead and Don’t Drive

Leaders lead, they don’t drive. Leadership is not about what you make others do. It's about your involvement in the activities. It’s about who you are, what you know, what you do and how far you can help the group in achieving the common objective. You are an ideal model for the people who follow you.

Build Trust and Confidence

The basis of a good leadership is the trust and confidence your followers have in you. If they trust you, they will follow you. If they have confidence in you, they will follow you. To build trust and confidence, you should develop good relationships. You should show your trustworthiness. And you should embrace high ethics.

Develop Effective Communication Skills

Effective communication is a necessary foundation for a good leadership. Without proper communication, you will not be able to lead the people. There will be misunderstanding everywhere in the group. And this may lead to a chaotic condition where any leadership effort may not work well. You can’t be a good leader if you can’t communicate well. After all, you have to pass on your knowledge and expertise to your group.

Be a Good Judge

To be a good leader, your judgment should be unbiased. You should be able to analyze the situations, weigh the pros and cons and take the correct decision. Your reliability will be built on your good judgments.

Delegate Responsibilities to Others

Effective leaders don’t do things alone. They delegate responsibilities to each and everyone in the group.  You should not act as if you are the only person who knows everything. It will be wiser on your part to translate the theory of leveraging into action. After all how much work can you do alone for the group?

Find out the skills and talents your group possesses. Encourage them to develop their skills. If necessary, make special arrangement for training camps. Bind your group with love, not with rope. Only when you realize this, you will be able to work as a leader of a unified and well organized group.

Leaders are not made overnight. It takes time and lots of efforts and hard work. Only when you have the strong desire to become a leader, you will be able to put the required efforts. Last of all, I want to remind you that when you train yourself to become an effective leader, it’s the group interest that matters, not your interest.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem