We feel sorry when we make mistakes. What is worse is we feel guilty when we make mistakes as if we have committed some sort of a crime. But making mistakes is no crime. Do you make mistakes intentionally? You don’t for sure.In human relationship, if you make a mistake, you say “Sorry” to the other  person   or to the group. But in your journey to your success, your mistakes are your best teachers. Mistakes are small failures and failures are said to be the pillars of success. Albert Einstein said, “A person, who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” Lethargic and sluggish people seldom make mistakes because they don’t do anything challenging in life. Easy going people don’t make mistakes. Those who don’t have something to achieve in life don’t make mistakes because they don’t need to do anything. If you are serious and choose to live a challenging life, you ought to make mistakes. In your life’s journey, you will make so many mistakes whether small
or big.

No one is perfect, and we are all lifelong learners. We learn from our mistakes
better than anything else. If you make efforts to achieve something, you ought
to make mistakes. If you try to solve a problem, you can’t solve it in one attempt. If your first attempt solves a big problem, it may almost be a magical chance. It doesn’t happen too often. And moreover, there will be no charm if you find a solution by chance. You apply different approaches and eventually, one of your approaches works. This is the real thrill. Your efforts have been rewarded. Jack Canfield says, "As you begin to take action toward the fulfillment of your goals and dreams, you must realize that not every action will be perfect. Not every action will produce the desired result. Not every action will work. Making mistakes, getting it almost right, and experimenting to see what happens are all part of the process of eventually getting it right."

One of the biggest reasons why you might not like to do something new and challenging is fear of making mistake. If you can’t overcome this fear, it will stop you from doing anything new. And this is going to happen not only to you but to all of us. If fear is in our mind, we can’t proceed. Everybody fails sometimes or the other. But it is quite normal. A person’s failure is related to  time and situation. The person is not a failure. If they don’t quit, someday they will achieve success. Mistakes are also just circumstantial. They are not fatal or permanent. One mistake doesn’t make the end of life.

In the academic world, mistakes are perceived as bad and to be avoided. For the first twenty five years of your life, you have been taught that mistakes are bad and embarrassing. But in fact, mistakes are simply opportunities to learn something new. The more mistakes you make, the more you will learn and the greater chance you will get of succeeding on their next one or two attempts. The key, however, is to learn from your mistakes and never to makethe same mistake twice.

Thomas Alva Edison wouldn’t have invented the light bulb if he didn’t take this principle to heart. As you already know, he made thousands of mistakes before he created the electric bulb. The question, “What if I fail,” never came to his mind. He was optimistic enough to consider his one failure as one important step forward. He never stopped making mistakes after mistakes. His mistakes helped him refine and narrow down his search as he proceeded, drawing him closer and closer to his goal. And his determination paid and eventually, he succeeded in perfecting his bulb. 

You have surely heard of Levi Strauss and Christopher Columbus. Strauss headed for the gold mines of California in hopes of gold and reputation. But he found nothing. He made a big mistake. But his mistake gave him a new idea. He started selling pants stitched out of the canvas used by his miners. And he was successful in this business. Today, we hear of Levi Strauss jeans or simply Levi’s Jeans. Many of us are wearing them too. 

Columbus failed miserably in his mission to find a route to India. He made big mistakes in sailing in the right direction. However, his mistakes gave him a new opportunity. He found a new world. And that is American Continent.

By taking action and learning from your mistakes, you will gain new knowledge and become aware of many new opportunities. When you seriously want to achieve something, it is time to make some mistakes. Go ahead. 99% mistakes in your struggle will lay a solid foundation for 1% success. That means if you are successful in the hundredth attempt, you made 99 mistakes in your endeavor.

Don’t Be Afraid Of Making Mistakes

Most people are afraid to make even one mistake. They are afraid of trying something new. They keep assuring themselves of the very inevitable thing they are afraid of: the failure. “What if I fail” is the thought that is haunting them day and night whenever they think of taking up a new venture. If you are venturing into a new field, you are entitled to make mistakes. You may fail a few times. But don’t get discouraged. You have to learn your lessons from your own mistakes. Only then you will be able to come out as a winner.However, making mistakes doesn’t mean taking wild chances. You have to make calculated moves. After every mistake you commit, you should become smarter. 
Fear is something that stops us from making a decision. You might be recalling times when fear had frozen you in your way. Someone nicely said, “Fear and worry are the interests paid in advance for a loan you may never obtain.”Fear of making mistakes is an imagined fear, not a real one. The fear of this kind is totally unsubstantiated. Don’t allow fear of making mistakes to keep you from doing something new and worthwhile in your life. You won’t learn as much from winning as you will from losing. Your mistakes teach you much more than your victories do. Let me remind you once again. To achieve one success, you have to make 99% mistakes in your endeavor.

Magical Discoveries

We normally don’t succeed in our first or second attempt. As we continue making mistakes one after another, we often encounter the magical discoveries. Some people make unexpected and fortunate discoveries. It may be just an accidental good luck. Or it may be the result of the combination of the mistakes they committed. You may be afraid of something to be a terrible mistake. But who knows, it might possibly turn out to be the perfect solution to your problem. Watch out, such discoveries might come to you too. But don’t wait. Carry on with your activities. Chance seldom comes to an idle person.

Grabbing New Ideas

Insights come suddenly. They come like a flash. You may call it a mere chance. Or you may consider it as the imminent result of your thinking, imagination, and speculation about finding a solution to your problem. Whether the creative thought gets into your conscious mind from outside or it comes out of your subconscious is not the question. Grabbing the new ideas is what matters most. However, if you don’t try and make mistakes and learn from them, possibility of a success is absolutely dim. Look for new ideas and broaden your mind. You will feel the change in YOU. Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions.”

Thinking Out Of The Box

You need to think out of the box. Think something completely different. You may think about the same problem. But think in a different way. Turn it sideways. Turn it upside down. Look at the whole thing from different angles. Take an entirely different approach to your problem. You may make some or many mistakes in your attempts. But finally you will get the right outcome. 
For many, thinking out the box seems difficult. We are creatures of habit. We tend to do the same things as we have always been doing. We usually do exactly how we are taught to do. Scott Adams said, “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to  keep.”

Remember what Joe Louis said? He said,“Everybody wants to go to heaven. But nobody wants to die.” To die is prerequisite for going to heaven. Likewise, many people want to do great things in life. But they don’t want to make mistakes. In fact, great  things are achieved as a result of a combination of mistakes. Successful people make lots of mistakes. This may be one of the most important reasons why they are successful.   

Jerry Meadows says, “Anything worth doing is worth doing wrong – until you learn how to do it right. So just go out and do something.”

It's OK to Make a Mistake

Some of the fears that regularly hinder our activities are: 

(a) Fear of making mistakes, (b) Fear of failing, (c) Fear of looking silly, 
(d) Fear of feeling stupid and (e) Fear of rejection

Any of the above fears can actually manifest into headaches, pain, stress or a  multitude of physical ailments. However, if we look at the real reason why these symptoms appear, it is sometimes started by an imagined fear. These fears are usually imagined and speculative. Robyn Henderson nicely interprets fear as  False Evidence Appearing Real (FEAR). If you made a mistake don’t worry, it’s okay. Make another mistake. But the second mistake should be different from the first. Go on making various different mistakes and learn from each one of them until you make the last mistake. After your last mistake there are no more mistakes. This is where you will encounter your long cherished success.

Wish you good luck in making mistakes! 
Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem

There are so many secrets of success. Of all the secrets, some are basic. They are the following:

1. Desire

All the great personalities had a strong and burning desire to do great things in their life. Napoleon Hill says, “The beginning of every great success is desire.”

If you want something badly enough you will get it. Desire is a force that propels you forward. If you don’t have a strong desire to succeed, you won’t look for success. Think about your goal. How badly do you want to achieve it?

Your desire is the fire that heats you up to act and excel. You know a small fire can’t heat you up much. It is necessary therefore to have a big and strong fire that heats you up more. This intense fire is your passion. This is your burning desire to excel in anything. If you don’t know whether your desire is strong enough, think of all the reasons why you want to achieve your goal. If your reasons are very few, your desire is weak. If you have many reasons, your desire is strong. Think about the benefits you will get out of your achieving the goal. Write them down and read them aloud every morning. It is essential that your subconscious know what you want to achieve. Your strong desire will overcome the obstacles to your success. Remember, a strong desire can make a small molehill out of a big mountain.

2. Determination

You may have a strong desire to succeed. But if you are not determined to succeed, you won’t succeed. Desire and determination should go hand in hand.

Beethoven was told that he had no talent for music. Did he give up hope? Never! He was determined to learn music. And he gave the world some of the best pieces of music.

Wright Brothers were determined to fly. People made a mockery out of their flying attempts. Even the New York Times had an editorial on December 10, 1903 questioning their wisdom in inventing a machine, heavier than air, to fly. But they succeeded. Just a week after the editorial, the two brothers took their historical flight at Kitty Hawk.

3. Persistence

Persistence is a magic word. Even if you lack ability and skills, your persistence will lead you to your goal. The reason is very simple. You persist in doing something. You hang on to it long enough to develop your ability and skills. Remember, without persistence, anyone will quit in the middle of everything. Napoleon Hill studied many of the most successful people in the world. He showed one quality that was common to those great people and uncommon to most of us. Henry Ford had that quality. Thomas Edison had. Abraham Lincoln had. And a host of other great persons had. And that quality is persistence.

4. Patience

“Everything comes to him who waits,” is an old saying. Patience is the ability to wait for an outcome. We accomplish our greatest achievements over time, with considerable determination and persistence. If you don’t have patience, you can’t just persist. Patience is simple but not easy. If you have patience, you can wait. But most of us lack this ability. We want instant results. We want instant gratifications. To get instant results or instant gratifications, we willingly sacrifice good reasoning, good judgment, and even integrity. Jim Rohn says, “The twin killers of success are impatience and greed.”

5. Enthusiasm

In one of Dale Carnegie’s classes, one of the students said, “You know, I thought you had to sow seed to get bluegrass. But you don’t. All you’ve to do is throw hickory-wood ashes on the ground in the autumn, and bluegrass will come up in the spring.” Dale Carnegie was astonished. And he opposed the idea. But the student exclaimed, “I know what I’m talking about, Mr. Carnegie. After all, I did it.” And he went on speaking with enthusiasm. When he finished, Dale Carnegie asked the class, “How many believe this man…?” To his amazement, everyone in the room shot up a hand. When he asked them why they believed, almost all of them replied, “He is so enthusiastic about himself.” Ralph Emerson says, “Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm.” 

6. Will power

You have to develop strong Will Power to succeed. To achieve success, many secrets are to be taken care of. One such secret is developing strong Will Power. Vince Lombardi says, “Everyone has a will to win but very few have the will to prepare to win.” Everybody needs Will Power to do something. Dan Gable says, “When I’d get tired and want to stop, I’d wonder what my opponent was doing. When I could see him still working, I’d start pushing myself. When I could see him in the shower, I’d push myself harder.” This is the strong Will Power of an Olympian wrestler, who was determined to get gold medal. It took thirty-six years out of Noah Webster’s life to compile Webster’s Dictionary. Milton used to get up every morning at 4 am to write his Paradise Lost. You have to develop strong Will Power to work harder.

7. Discipline

If you want success, you have to be disciplined. Tim Connor says, “You’ve a choice in life: you can either pay the price of discipline or regret.” Discipline can be external or internal. Self-discipline is another name of internal discipline. It develops from within and is permanent. On the other hand, external discipline is imposed from outside. Discipline should not be an antithesis to freedom.

You may come across many people with talent and ability. They are energetic and hard working; yet utterly fail in their life. They are active when there is external control. But when they are left to themselves, they don’t do anything worthwhile. What these people lack is self-discipline.     

8. Integrity

Integrity is necessary in our success journey. Honesty alone is not enough. Someone is very honest. He readily admits that he steals to make a living. He is honest. But he has no integrity. Suppose you know one guy in your neighborhood. He messes up others’ money. He messes up others’ belongings. He messes up others’ wives. You will agree that this man lacks integrity. Suppose he admits, he does whatever is said about him. This very man turns out to be quite honest. But do you like this person?

9. Punctuality

All the great people were punctual. They knew how to manage time. They knew the value of time. Punctuality makes a person reliable. It needs a strong character to be punctual. Suppose you are a student, and you are not punctual. Most of the time, you enter the classroom late by 10 or 15 minutes. Imagine the loss you have incurred. This habit is controlling you all the time. You entered the exam hall half an hour late. You went to catch a bus. You missed it. You went to catch a train. You missed it. You had to report for your flight one hour in advance. You didn’t reach the airport. You missed the flight. You went for an interview for a job. When you reached there, your turn was over.

If you want to do anything successfully in your life, your punctuality will pay you dividend. Remember, when you are punctual, everybody associated with you will also be punctual.       

10. Courage

Courageous people die only once. But uncourageous people die many times in a single life. Courageous people succeed. Uncourageous people fail. Success involves courage to take risks. The risks should however be calculated risks.

A partially deaf four-year old Tommy came back from school one day. His mother found a note in his pocket. The note said, “Your Tommy’s too stupid to learn, get him out of the school.” His mother answered the note, “My Tommy isn’t too stupid to learn, I’ll teach him myself.” And that partially deaf little Tommy grew up to be Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest inventors. He had only three months of formal schooling. But his mother gathered all her courage to educate her son.

11. Hard work

Hard work has no substitute. It needs no special definition. Everybody knows it. All great people knew it. The difference is all great people were hard working. And most of us are not. If you want success, you have to work hard. However here is a very pertinent question. Are all hard working people successful? The answer is “No.” All great people were hard working but not all hard working people are great. The great people planned their works, and then worked their plans. This is the right way to success. Without proper planning, hard work alone doesn’t pay at all. So plan your work and then work your plan.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem