Self esteem is nothing but self worth, self confidence and self respect. If you don’t respect yourself, who will respect you? This is the biggest question in self development. You have to respect yourself. Only then others will respect you. If you are always in a shabby mood and don’t respond to the calls of others, how can you communicate with people around you? You are a human being and you are living in a society. And you know how strong the belief systems in a society are. You can’t escape from them. But YOU can change them if you have the guts. Either change them or just follow what the society dictates to you.

But today the purpose of my article is not to ask you to follow what the society dictates to you. I know you don’t want to be dictated. Nobody on this planet earth like that. You hate Napoleon Bonaparte, you hate Hitler. You hate any dictator surviving or not surviving including your boss in your office right now. You know what King Nero said when his best friend died? He said, “How can he die without my permission? Now that he is dead, I will shed one drop of my tears for him. ” There is nothing higher than this dictatorship. And I know you don’t like it. It’s really disgusting. Right?  

Then, how will you stay calm, composed and maintain self esteem in a tough time? Here are some tips for you to consider as a guide to self improvement.

Negative Work Environment

In today’s world, everyone is fighting against any one just to get ahead. And this is where non-appreciative people usually thrive. No one will appreciate your contributions even if you miss your lunch and dinner and work overtime.  Most of the time, you get to work too much without getting help from people concerned.  Stay out of this, it will ruin your self esteem.

Other People’s Behavior

Bulldozers, gossipmongers, whiners, backstabbers, snipers, controllers, naggers, complainers, exploders, patronizers, etc. all these kinds of people will create bad vibrations for your self esteem as well as for your self improvement scheme. Beware of them. Take good care of yourself.

Changing Environment

You can’t be a red grasshopper in a green field. You have to adapt to the environment. You have to change your color in order to survive in the environment. You know why polar bears are white and chameleons change their colors too often. Changes challenge our paradigms. It tests our flexibility, adaptability and alters the way we think. Changes may make our life difficult for a while. It may cause stresses but it will help us find ways to improve ourselves. Change is a law of Nature. We all ought to change. There is a joke. Listen up. “Change is a law of nature. Everything changes. There is nothing that doesn’t change. However, there is one thing that doesn’t change at all. That’s change itself. In fact, change doesn’t change because it keeps on changing.”

Avoid Negative World View

Look at what you’re looking at. I am sure you are looking at positives. Don’t wrap up yourself with all the negative aspects of the world. In building your self esteem, you must learn how to make the best use out of worst situations. You remember the advice: “If life gives you lemons, make lemonade out of them.” See, there may be situations you don’t like them at all. Be objective. See the situations from the angles of reality. Try to avoid all kinds of subjective judgments.

Determination Theory

First of all, you are a product of the interaction between your heredity and your environment. Secondly, you grow up with dos and don’ts of the family and larger society. But you still have your own identity. You are a unique personality in this world. Your finger prints tell you that. Your father may be a failure. But that doesn’t affect you genetically. That doesn’t mean that you too are going to be a failure.

I have a nice story for you in this regard. There were two guys whose father was a drunkard. Their father was a real nuisance in the family. They were brought up by their mother with all her might. One guy followed the steps of his father and got drunk 24/7. The other guy loved his self esteem and tried his level best to do something worthwhile in his life. He became something worth in the society.

One day, press people came to interview them. They wanted to know how the two children of the same parents were so different in their career. When interviewed, one guy said, “What do you expect from me? You know like father like son.” But the other guy responded, “I love my father. But I didn’t want to be another him in the family. I just decided to do the opposite of whatever he did.”

See how two guys of the same parental lineage thought differently. You are altogether a different person. You have your own unique identity. You are born to do something different. Don’t imitate anybody, even your parents. Be yourself and shine yourself like a bright star in the sky. Lead people who require a leader like you. Help them when they require your help.

Remember, your self esteem will be heightened only when you lower your self centeredness and help others. Egotism and self esteem don’t go together.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem





We are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Everyone knows it. How many times have you thought that there could be no solution to a problem? How many times have you thought that the problem would lead to a dead end?  And how many times have you felt that the problem lying in front of you is something you can’t solve at all?

Have you ever felt that you have exhausted all your resources and options and yet you are still facing some kind of a giant? A giant that is huge, tall, colossal, unconquerable, and invincible? When encountering such enormous problems, you might feel like you're going to be crushed. And the pressure of having to solve such a problem may be too much in your mind.

But don’t worry. Rejoice! There might be some hope! Let’s be positive.

With some problem solving techniques you may be able to look at your problem from different angles. And any of those angles might just tell you about the possible solutions to your problem.

You remember what Deng Sagolsem says, “A motivated mind channels our whole system towards fulfilling our goals.”  That’s exactly as simple as that. What is truer than this any way?

First of all, you stay motivated every second, every minute and every hour of your life. If you stay motivated to achieve whatever you want to achieve in your life, no negative thoughts will come into your mind. If you are positive and motivated all the time, no problem will be a problem for you.

But if you still think that you may not be able to solve the problem, then let’s find out where lies the solution? There are some suggestions for you. Examine them carefully.

1. You can’t solve your problem because you have not really taken a hard look at what the problem is.

In this case, try to understand the problem and try to have a clear understanding of its workings. If you know what the problem is, how it works, then you have a better grasp upon solving the problem.

2. You can’t solve a problem because it’s so huge and gigantic.

If you think so, try to solve the problem part by part. Try to solve it going from general view towards the more detailed parts of the problem. This is called Top-Down Approach. To do this, just write down a question about the problem, and then come up with a one-sentence solution. The solution can be a general statement of how to solve the problem. Go on doing the same thing with another question and so on and so forth.

3. You can’t solve your problem just because you lack vision.

Remember, there may be more than just one solution to a problem.

It pays you to remember that there is more than just one solution for any problem. Try to look for all the possible solutions.

4. You can’t solve your problem because you lack patience.

Remember, things will come to those who wait. So, be patient. As long as you persist, there is always a chance that a solution may float up itself.

So, next time if you come across any problem, try to welcome it. In fact, every problem comes with an inbuilt solution. The only thing we have to do is find the solution within the problem. We don’t need to look elsewhere for the solution. It is there so near. We have to learn how to recognize it. Let hopes prevail and despair vanish.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem




Zig Ziglar says, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

In fact, what motivated you tremendously yesterday may motivate you just a little less today and may be much more less tomorrow.  It’s therefore important that we keep motivating ourselves everyday. 

The stronger the motivation the more likely you are to succeed in life. It is believed that hardly 5% of the people the world over actually take action and achieve their goals.

Here are some self improvement tips to help keep you motivated. I hope these tips will track your progress and keep you motivated!

Develop A Positive Mental Attitude

All the people with positive mental attitude may not become great. But all the great people the world has seen had positive mental attitude. So the prerequisite to become a great personality is to have a positive mental attitude. Keep all of your negative thoughts away. And use your positive thoughts to help you keep focused and motivated. The moment you start doubting yourself is the moment you start giving up your goals. Never doubt yourself. Rather develop a strong belief in yourself.

Declare Your Commitment

If you have already committed to do something good in life, declare it and make it public. Tell your Dad and Mom, other family members, your friends, your neighbors, your relatives, etc. If you keep to yourself what you want to do, the chances are you may do it or may not do it. What does it matter if you don’t do it. Nobody knows about it. It remains a secret in your mind. On the hand, if you declare and don’t do it, where will you hide your face? So declare what you are going to do if you really want to do it. The more people you tell the more committed you will be to do it.

Compete With Yourself and Not Others

Never compete with anyone else. Compete with yourself. If you compete with someone else, you will develop negative feeling. This negative feeling will pave a way for you to develop the most unwanted negative mental attitude. How to compete with yourself then? Suppose you did something very good yesterday, do it better today. Strive to do it much better tomorrow. This is how you have to compete with yourself.  

Keep A Diary

Keep a diary and write in it daily. Keep a track record of whatever you do everyday. This will tell you about your improvement and progress. This will keep you focused. A diary is a great way to self evaluate yourself on what’s working for you and what’s not.

Visualize Your Life

Imagination is the door to your creativity. Imagine everyday before you start working on your goals. Visualize in your mind about 15 minutes everyday what your life could be had you accomplished everything you wished to accomplish. Imagine you are already rich. Visualize driving the car you wanted to drive. Visualize how you are living in a house you wanted to live in. Imagine and visualize anything you want for living your life in the way you want.

There Are No Short Cuts

There are no short cuts to success. Thomas Alva Edison once said,” Success is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” If you have a strong desire to achieve something, you have to earn it. There is no charity in success. You have to put the desired efforts to achieve it. But remember you have to plan all your activities. Without proper planning nothing can come up right. 

Winners Never Quit, Quitters Never Win 

I heard a story and that story tells me bundles of good things in my life. One guy went out in search of gold mines. He was told there was one nearby. He collected all resources and started mining for gold. He worked for days, months and years together. He couldn’t find any gold. He was frustrated and ultimately determined to quit. He borrowed lots of money even from his brother-in-law. He sold all his machinery and repaid his brother-in-law. Then he committed suicide jumping into a fierce river.

You know what happen then? The person who bought the mine started digging further. And just after six feet of digging, there were gold and gold everywhere.

So, my advice is don’t quit. If you have a strong to desire to achieve something worthwhile proceed until the end.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem



The most common hindrance in goal setting is the word ‘Impossible.’ Many people give up hopes thinking, ‘I can't do this,’ ‘It's too difficult,’ ‘It's impossible,’ ‘No one can do this,’ so on and so forth.

In spite of such limiting thoughts, however, most of us continue to dream big dreams. At some point of time in our life, we all have dreamed of being somebody special, somebody big. Who hasn't fantasized about being a film star? Who hasn't dreamed of being a beauty queen? And how many times have we dreamed of being successful, rich or happy with all our relationships?

Often, we dream big dreams and have great aspirations. Unfortunately, for most of us our dreams remain just the dreams. And our aspirations remain there in our attics collecting dust.

This is a sad turn of events in our life. Instead of experiencing exciting adventures in self fulfillment, we get caught up in the humdrum of living, just barely existing.

We Can Make Our Life Better

Our life can be so much better, only if we learn to aim higher and think bigger.

So far, we have been limiting our thoughts. If everyone thought it’s difficult or it’s impossible, then there wouldn’t have been any invention, any innovation, or any breakthrough in human accomplishment.

Do you remember? Once scientists were puzzled when they studied the humble-bees? To those scientists, it was impossible for the humblebees to fly. Fortunately for the humblebees no one has told them so. They didn’t know that they couldn't fly. So they fly humming around.

On the contrary, some people are habituated in dreaming totally outrageous dreams and not acting on them. The result is broken dreams and tattered aspirations. For them too, it’s difficult or it’s impossible.

If you limit yourself with self-doubt, and self-limiting assumptions, you will never be able to break past what you consider impossible. On the other hand, if you reach out too far into the sky without working towards your goal, you will find yourself clinging on to the impossible dreams.

Try This If You Want To Achieve More Difficult Goals

1. Take a sheet of paper and write down some goals you want to achieve in your life. Write whatever you want achieve. Do not judge whether the goal is achievable or not. Just go on writing down.

2. Make a heading and label it “I CAN DO.” Transfer all your goals that you think you can achieve to this category.

3. Make another heading and label it “I MIGHT BE ABLE TO DO.” Transfer here all your goals that you think you might be able to achieve.

4. Make the last heading and label it “IMPOSSIBLE TO DO.” Transfer here all the remaining goals that you think impossible for you to achieve.

5. Now look at all the three headings. First try to achieve all the goals under the heading, “I CAN DO.” Strive every day to accomplish them one after another. Check them when you are able to accomplish them. As you are slowly progressing to check all of your accomplished goals under that heading, your confidence level will increase and you will start feeling that you can do more difficult tasks or achieve more difficult goals.

6. So, go now to the goals under the heading, “I MIGHT BE ABLE TO DO.” Strive every day to accomplish them one by one. But remember, this time you require a little more attention and a little more efforts. Accomplish and check them all. When you slowly accomplish them, you will feel more confident and you will be able to achieve what once you thought was impossible.

7. Now transfer all the IMPOSSIBLE TO DO goals under the heading “I MIGHT BE ABLE TO DO” so that you don’t see the word IMPOSSIBLE. This is important. With all your efforts and attention, strive to achieve them and check them all.

As you go through this process, you will find out that the goals you thought were impossible become easier to accomplish. And the impossible begins to seem possible after all.

Suppose you told someone just fifty years ago that it was possible for man to land on the moon, they would have laughed at you. If you had also told them that you could send mail from this corner to the other corner of the world in a few seconds, they would have said you were crazy. But through sheer desire and determination, these impossible dreams are now realities.

Thomas Alva Edison once said that genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration. Nothing could be truer than this. For one to accomplish their dreams there has to be hard work and discipline. Remember the saying, “No pain, no gain.” To gain something you have to come out of your comfort zone.

So dream on and dream big. Think big and aim for the star. I am not asking you to build castle in the air. Even if you think you are building castle in the air, continue building it. You can’t build a castle in any other place than air. The only thing you shouldn’t forget at all is “Put up the pillars to support your castle.”

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem



The power of innovation is a talent that everyone possesses. Yet so many people think that they don't have such talent. Have you ever wondered at someone's creative ability and wish you too had it?  Well, cheer yourself up! To be honest, everyone is born creative. Only thing is most of us don’t harness it. But don’t worry. It just takes time. You too can create and innovate. The crayon boxes in kindergarten were not allotted to those who possessed potential. Everyone had a box in their possession. You know why? It’s just because everybody has potential.

You know how long it took one to learn to ride a bicycle and never to fall again in the same manner? It's the same with innovation. It takes a bit of practice and a lot of time before this mind function comes alive. Here are a few tips on how to bring innovation into your life.

1. Don't Listen To What Others Say

Follow your heart. Listen to yourself. Follow the beat of your own drum. Allowing input of other people will only bring dissonance to the music you are trying to make. If you have an original idea, don't waste your time and effort trying to make other people understand. In fact they won't. The only help you may probably get comes in the form of negative feedbacks. If all those geniuses the world has seen today had to listen to their peers, we would probably have very few of them.

2. Exercise Is Important Everywhere

Take a walk. Jog or skip. Planned and regular exercises definitely clear and relax your mind and allow for anything good to pop up.

3. Record Your Dreams

Aren't some of your dreams just the craziest things that your conscious mind would never have thought of? If you've had these dreams before, then this only shows you the untapped innovative power that you have lying within YOU. So note them down. Those dreams may just create an innovative spark in you.

4. Find Your Own Style

You can always recite Wordsworth.  You can always act Shakespeare. And mind you, any other person in this world can do that. Find your own unique style. People will appreciate your innovation more because it is uniquely yours and that no one else would have thought of what you were thinking. That will let people see how valuable an asset you are.

5. Don't Hide Behind Nifty Gadgets Or Tools

You don't need the most expensive set of paints to produce a masterpiece. It’s the same with writing. You don't need some extra expensive pen and really smooth paper for a bestseller. In fact, J.K. Rowling wrote the first book of the Harry Potter Series on bits of tissue. Can you imagine that? So what if you've got an expensive SLR camera if you're a unimaginative photographer? Who cares if you've got an extra expensive laptop if you can't write at all? The artist actually reduces the number of tools they have as they get better at their craft.  They know what works and what doesn't.

6. Nothing Will Work Without Passion

What wakes you up in the morning everyday? What keeps the flame burning? What is the one thing that you'll die if you don't do it? Ellen DeGeneres once said that if you're not doing something that you want to do, then you don't really want to do it. And that's true. Sometimes you just want something so bad you become a virtual unstoppable. And that is passion. Passion will keep you going. So keep going.

7. Don't Worry About Inspiration

Inspiration hits when you least expect it to hit. You can't force it. But you should prepare for those unpredictable, yet inevitable moments. Imagine an idea strikes you somewhere where you have no paper or a pen to note down a thought that could change the whole world. You will definitely feel so bad. So avoid such disasters. Have a pen and paper within your arm's reach at all times. Or use your mobile phone to jot down some hints at least.

To tell you frankly, most of us have been subjected to constant bombardment of ideas good or bad from our teachers, parents, neighbors, friends, etc. And the result is that we are not we ought to be. It’s time to reprogram ourselves so that we become ourselves and bring innovation in our life.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem


Many of us with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) tend to develop negative thinking patterns because we become frustrated by our challenges and we frequently nurture feelings of being let down. This negative outlook makes it even harder for us to manage those challenges and to move forward.

So people with ADD should practice positive thinking. This will allow us to focus on our strengths and accomplishments, which increases happiness and level of motivation. This, in turn, will allow us to spend more time in making progress, and less time in feeling down and stuck.

The following are 10 tips that will provide practical suggestions. You may use them to help you shift into more positive thinking patterns.

1. Take Good Care Of Yourself

It's much easier to think positive when you are eating well, sleeping well and feeling well. Simple but regular exercises like walking, jogging, skipping, etc. will definitely help you feel well.   

2. Remind Yourself Of The Things You Are Grateful For

Challenges and the resulting stresses don't seem quite bad when you constantly remind yourself of the things and events that are right in life. Take a few moments everyday to think about those things and events for which you are grateful and appreciate them.  Appreciating the good things will make a huge difference in our life.

3. Look For Proof Instead Of Making Assumptions

Many of us tend to assume rather than find out the reality. For example, a fear of not being liked or accepted sometimes leads us to assume that we know what others are thinking. But our fears are usually not reality. If you have a fear that a friend or family member's bad mood is due to something you did, or that your co-workers are secretly gossiping about you when you turn your back, then speak up and ask them. Don't waste your time worrying that you did something wrong. You require a solid proof for anything to worry about.

4. Refrain From Using Absolutes

Have you ever told a partner "You're ALWAYS late!" or complained to a friend "You NEVER call me!"? Thinking and speaking in absolutes like 'always' and 'never' makes the situation seem worse than it is. It programs your mind into believing that certain people are incapable of delivering.

5. Detach From Negative Thoughts

Don’t allow your thoughts to control you. You should control your thoughts. Your thoughts can't hold any power over you if you don't judge them. If you notice yourself having a negative thought, detach from it and don't follow it.

6. Squash The "ANTs"

Some thoughts are negative and they are automatic. Dr. Daniel Amen talks about Automatic Negative Thoughts (ANTs). According to him, these are the bad thoughts that are usually the reactions to what others say or do. For example, "Those people are laughing, they must be talking about me," or "The boss wants to see me? It must be bad!" If you notice these thoughts are coming to you, then try to realize that they are nothing more than ANTs. Crush them!

7. Practice Loving And Touching

Loving and touching people will help you develop positive attitude. You don't have to be a psychologist to know the benefits of a good hug. Positive physical contact with friends, loved ones, and even pets, is an instant pick-me-up. One research study on this subject had a waitress who touched some of her customers on the arm as she handed them their bills. She received higher tips from these customers than from the ones she didn't touch!

8. Increase Your Social Activities

Negative thoughts tend to invade the lonely people. Maximize your social activities and minimize your chances of being lonely. Surround yourself with healthy, happy people, and let their positive energy affect you in a positive way!

9. Volunteer For An Organization Or Help Another Person

Everyone feels good after helping someone or some organization. You can volunteer your time, your money, or your resources. The more positive energy you give out to the world, the more you will receive in return.

10. Use Pattern Interrupts To Combat Rumination

Rumination is like hyper-focus on something negative. It's never productive, because it's neither rational nor solution-oriented. It's just an excessive worry. If you find yourself ruminating, a great way to stop it is to interrupt the pattern and force yourself to do something completely different. Try changing your physical environment. Go for a walk or sit outside. You can also call a friend, pick up a book, or turn on some music.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem


There are so many things to know about communication through words. Unfortunately most of us can hardly realize them. You can go on watching talk shows, radio programs, club shows dedicated to public speaking, ordinary conversations, etc.  You might realize that certain rules apply when it comes to interaction through words. It may sound tedious. But even though it's your mouth that's doing the work, your brain works twice as hard to churn out lots of things you know. So a better way to start learning to become an effective conversationalist or speaker is to know the very person closest to you:  that is YOURSELF.

1. Practice what you know

Education is all about learning the basics, but to be an effective speaker is to practice what you've learned. My lectures in the colleges, universities and large gathering taught me that we all have our limitations. But that doesn't mean that we can't learn to keep up and share what we know.

2. Listening

Listening is just as much important as asking questions. Sometimes listening to the sound of our own voice can even teach us to be a little bit confident with ourselves and to say the things we believe in with a degree of conviction.

3. Humility

We all make mistakes, and sometimes we tend to slur our words, stutter, and probably mispronounce certain words even though we know what it means. So in a group, don't be afraid to ask if you're saying the right word properly and if they're unsure about it then make a joke out of it. I promise you it'll make everyone laugh and you can get away with it as well.

4. Eye Contact

There's a lot to say when it comes to directing your attention to your audience with an eye-catching gaze. It's important that you keep your focus when talking to a large group in a meeting or a gathering, even though they may be gorgeous.

 5. Be humorous

A little bit of humor can do wonders to lift the tension, or worse boredom when making your speech. That way, you'll get the attention of the majority of the crowd and they'll feel that you're just as approachable, and as human to those who listen.

6. Be like the rest of them

Interaction is all about mingling with other people. You'll get lots of ideas when you treat yourself as one of them. You will also get to know what people make them as they are.

7. Me, Myself, and I

There are times you sing to yourself in the shower. I know I do! Listening to the sound of your own voice while you practice your speech in front of a mirror can help correct the stress areas of your pitch. And while you're at it you can spruce up as well.

8. With a smile

A smile says it all much like eye contact. There's no point on grimacing or frowning in a meeting or a gathering. You can better express yourself when you smile.

9. A Role Model

There must be at least one or two people in your life you have listened to when they're at a public gathering. Sure they read their lines. Taking a mental note of how they emphasize what they say can help you once you take the center stage.

10. Preparation

Make the best out of preparation rather than just scribbling notes and often in a hurried panic. Some people like to write things down on index cards. Others resort to being a little sillier as they look at their notes written on the palm of their hand. Prepare your speeches well to avoid such silly things.

Practice makes one near perfect.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem


Ten Questions You Should Ask Yourself: A Preparation for Self Improvement

YOU often see yourself as somewhat contented with your life the way things are. But of course, it's hard to think of anything else when there are real issues to be discussed.

Still YOU aspire for something deeper and more meaningful.

So we're all pelted with problems. Honestly it shouldn't even bother or even hinder us to become all we ought to be. Aspirations as kids should continue to live within us, even though it would be short-lived or as long as we could hold on to the dream. 

1. What do YOU really want?

That’s the question of the ages. So many things you want to do with your life and you get so little time to even go about during the day. Find something that you are good at. It can help realize that small step towards improvement. Diligence is the key to know that it is worth it.

2. Should YOU really change?

Today's generation has taken another level of redefining 'SELF', or at least that's what the kids are saying. Having an army of teenage nieces and nephews has taught you that there are far worse things that they could have had than acne or maybe even promiscuity. So how does that fit into your lifestyle?

If history has taught us one thing, it's the life that we have gone through. Try to see if partying 90s style wouldn't appeal to the younger generation, but dancing is part of partying. Watch them applaud after showing them how to really dance.

3. What's the bright side in all of this?

With so much happening around us there seems to be no room for even considering that light at the end of the tunnel. We can still see it as something positive without undergoing so much scrutiny. And if it's a train at the end of the tunnel, take it for a ride and see what makes the world go round!

4. Are YOU comfortable with what you’re doing?

There's always the easy way and the right way when it comes to deciding what goes with which shoes, or purse, shirt and whatnot. It doesn't take a genius to see yourself as someone unique, or else we'll all be equally the same in everything we do. Variety brings in very interesting and exciting questions to be experimented.

5. Have YOU done enough for yourself?

Have you, or is there something more you want to do? Discontentment in every aspect can be dangerous in large doses, but in small amounts you'll be able to see and do stuff you could never imagine doing.

6. Are YOU happy at where you are today?

It's an unfair question. But let there be an answer! You love being a good and loving mom or dad to your kids, then take it up a notch! Your kids will love you forever. The same goes with everyday life!

7. Are YOU appealing to the opposite sex?

You should be appealing to your opposite sex. If you don’t, you’re alone in this world. Plus you are not progressing. Nay, you are not living your life.

8. How much could YOU have?

I suppose in this case there is no such thing on having things too much or too little, but it's more on how badly you really need it. I'd like to have lots of money, no denying that, but the question is that how much are you willing to work for it?

9. What motivates YOU?

What motivates you? It's a question for which you have to find out an answer for yourself. There are so many things that can make everyone happy, but to choose one of the may be the hardest part. It's not like you can't have one serving of your favorite food in a buffet and that's it. Just try it piece by piece.

10. What Really Makes YOU Tick?

So what really makes you tick? You can be just about anything you always wanted to be. But if you think that it’s not possible to attain something very difficult, then you’re already giving up before you even start that journey. Always remember, that self-improvement is not just about the physical or philosophical change you have to undergo, but it's something that you really want. 

If you really want something you will get it.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem