Have you ever thought of changing the whole world and you don’t know how? If so, here is a way, a very simple way. Don’t imagine too far. And don’t think I’m kidding. It’s within your reach.  

Now listen carefully. If you want to change the whole world, you have to simply change yourself. If you change yourself, the whole world will change itself. You might be silently talking to yourself right now, ‘What is this nonsense, I wanted an advice and this person is just giving me a crap.’      

My dear, I can just tell you one thing for sure. You can’t change the world. It’s too big. You can’t move the Himalayas. You can’t move the mountains and the hills. You can’t even move your wardrobe yourself to another place. How will you change the world?

But you can definitely change the whole world provided you can change your outlook. See the world from different angles. Do you want to see the planet earth from different angles? If you have the INTERNET facility, search it out for yourself in any of the NASA’s websites. If you don’t, write to me, I will find at least one for you. Okay?    

I can give you a simple example here. Two persons look out through the same window. One sees the ground where all those miserable things are taking place, people exploiting people, people killing people.  And the other one sees the shining bright stars. The one who sees the ground is a pessimist and the other one who looks at the sky is an optimist. The optimists want to climb up in life. That’s why they are looking up.    

In life, you always have choices. You may choose a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeating life. Or you may decide to take an optimist’s route and take a challenging and fulfilling life.

Suppose you get the third prize in a painting competition you participated recently, will you jump up with joy and shout, ‘HURRAY’? Will you push yourself further for better results the next time you join any competition? Or will you spread your legs apart and cry to find an excuse not to join any competition again?

If you think you are getting the third prize now, the next time you will get the second prize, and any other time you join any painting competition, you will be the FIRST, then what’s the worry? So why don’t you nurture an optimist’s point of view? And why don’t you start it right now? If you start right away, you will be able to change the world early. The world that has given you a third prize will give you the first prize very soon.

I just want to remind you that if you’re positive, you are climbing up. If you’re negative, you are climbing down. I have collected a report that pessimism and the resulting depression have never been so high. “It affects middle-aged adults the same way as it hits the younger people. The mean age of onset has gone down from 30 to 15. It is no longer a middle-aged person’s disorder but it has become a teen-ager’s disorder as well.”

So negativism has reigned the whole world today.

A Few Tips

If you want to change the whole world, here are a few suggestions that can help you in turning yourself from negative critic to positive critic.

1.      Never say a single word that will offend the other person you are talking to. People don’t want be offended. They have got their own pride that is very important to themselves. Pride is sometimes mistakenly called EGO. But they are not the same thing as you think. EGO has got a deep psychological meaning. And pride is used in a very common parlance. However they are very much closely connected to each other. In fact, we live only because of our EGO. If we can’t defend our EGO, we simply can’t survive.

2.      You are not going to listen to anybody who hurts your pride. Your pride is more important than anybody else’s. If someone speaks ill of you and talks down upon you, fight them straight away. Ask the reasons why they treat you like that. Change yourself now from non-assertiveness to assertiveness. Speak up for yourself if you think you are right.  

3.      Avoid arguments. If you win an argument, you will lose one friend. If you lose an argument, you will gain one more friend. Which is more important to you? Winning an argument or gaining a friend? I will remind you here that if you have lots of friends, you will gain more power to change the world.

4.      Don’t find faults of others. Instead, find some good qualities and praise them honestly for those qualities. Normally, majority of the people try to find faults. They find it very difficult to praise others for their good qualities or good deeds. If you are separating yourself from this group, you are changing the world.

5.      Don’t nag people. Don’t nag even Gods. Nagging is irritating. If you go on nagging, nobody will be around you. Even Gods will run away from you. Instead of asking Gods to make you a multimillionaire in your everyday prayer, you can request Them to give you the courage and wisdom to find out the means to become a multimillionaire. In this way you will be different from others.

So do something different from what the world do. The easiest way to change the world is to change yourself.

Yours forever,

Rajendra Sagolsem           


Will Power has to do something with our inner power that requires inner control and inner discipline.

Suppose you want to do something today and you have done it successfully. Your Will Power is working in your favor. But if you procrastinate till other time like tomorrow or day after tomorrow, then something is wrong with your Will Power.

Suppose you are a smoker and you want to quit. The moment you think of quitting, you light up another stick of cigarette saying to yourself, “I will quit from tomorrow.” Here you are acting against your desire. And your Will Power is not supporting you. This happens most of the time with chain smokers.

Same is true with hard drinkers. You want to quit but you lack the Will Power to quit immediately. You keep on postponing and go on drinking as if the quitting day may arrive on its own. The moment you think of stopping, you go out to buy another bottle.

What goes on actually? You are just disobeying yourself. Your self esteem is not so high that you can respect yourself. I want to remind you that if you don’t love yourself, nobody will love you.

We all have some kind of addiction that we wish to overcome. The best examples are smoking, binge-drinking, excessive eating, laziness, or lack of assertiveness. To overcome them all what we need is our Will Power. And Self Discipline works together with Will Power. Together they make a great difference in our life.

What Actually Is Will Power

Will Power is our ability to do something we want to do. You may want to do something immediately or in your life time. If you want to quit smoking, you should be able to quit immediately. If you want to stop drinking, you should be able to stop right away. That’s Will Power. Procrastination is the greatest enemy of our Will Power. If you think you will stop drinking from tomorrow onwards, your Will Power is not properly working. Tomorrow again you may say the same thing. There will be so many tomorrows and none of these tomorrows will ever come to you.

Will Power is the ability to control oneself. If you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. If you want to do something, do it right away. If your Will Power is strong enough, you will act right away.

If you want to build your own house or buy a beautiful car, you should be able to do that. If your Will Power is strong enough, you will keep on trying to find possible ways to build your own house or buy your own beautiful car.   


As I have pointed out already, Will Power works along with Self-discipline. If we are self-disciplined, we will have the stamina and the patience. We will be able to persevere in whatever we do under all circumstances. We will be able to withstand all sorts of hardship and difficulties. So in order to develop a strong Will Power, we have to develop Self-Discipline.

If you are self-disciplined, you will feel more powerful. You can take charge of yourself and your surroundings. You will live a very happy and satisfied life.

A Few Tips

My questions for you here are how often do you feel you are too weak to do something you want to do? How often do you procrastinate?

If you really want to develop your inner strength and inner control, here are some tips. If you have the strong desire to develop them, follow these tips sincerely. It may take time but you will see the changes in your strength. I am guiding you from the easiest to the most difficult practices.

1. Try to do something you hate doing. Take bath with cold water in the winter. Try to eat something you hate to eat. Try to avoid eating your favorite dishes for a week or so.

2. Laziness is one cause for procrastination. If you want to do something, just get up and do it. Don’t allow your laziness to control you. When the alarm bell rings, don’t put it off. Just get up and do whatever you wanted to do at that time. Why did you set the alarm anyway?  

3. Make a general routine for your common activities. It should however be flexible enough to add new activities. When you make the Time Table, make it with a promise to follow. Never break your promise.   

4. Eat well, sleep well and do some physical exercises. Walk, jog, and skip. Let there be lots of sweats when you do the exercises. If you are healthy and physically fit, you will have the stamina to do anything you want to do.

5. Try to think positive. Develop positive mental attitude. I want to remind you that all the people with a positive mind may not become great. But all the great people the world has ever seen had positive mental attitude.

6. Set your goals. What do you want to achieve in life? Those who have nowhere to go will reach nowhere. Those who have something to achieve in their life are the people leading the society. Think of your life. You have a long way to go. Do you want to rot like vegetables or do you like to roar like a lion? It’s your choice.

7. Sit down in front of your TV. But never switch it on. Instead, take up some work you want to complete immediately. They call TV an Idiot Box. But I will call it an Idiot’s Box. I hope you understand my point. Don’t waste your precious time watching TV.

8. Try to be stubborn. There is something good when you are stubborn. It’s closely related with your Will Power. But don’t try to use your stubbornness for doing something against your well-being. You are one unique person in this Universe. Your finger prints and your retina show that. Show the world you can do something others can’t do.  

9. Your life is in your hands. Whether you want to live a comfortable life or a miserable life, you have to decide. It’s your choice and nobody else’s.
I just want to add here something called Killer Instinct. We all have this instinct. If one can kill others, they will kill. If they can’t kill others, they will kill themselves.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem