You can be happy as much as you like. Let us begin with a quote from Abraham Lincoln. He said, "Most people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be." What a beautiful idea!

People worry most of the time. People may worry about an impending danger. They may worry about their future. They may worry about their children’s future. They are unnecessarily anxious about what will happen to them. But is it necessary to worry about something you haven’t come across? Worry is mostly about future. You may plan for future. While planning, you may envisage some problems. Let those problems come to confront you directly. And rest assured that you will definitely find a solution for each problem. Remember, there is a solution for every problem. So, don’t worry, be happy.    

Living a happy life can be wonderful. Living a healthy, an optimistic, and a progressive life can be more wonderful. Living a happy life really drives away serious stresses of life and resulting diseases. Be cheerful, laugh out, concentrate your mind on the present, and carry on with your daily activities. Don’t think too much about future. Enjoy the present, and future will take care of itself. 

Have you heard Bobby McFerrin’s solo hit? I will reproduce some of the relevant portions of the lyric.

“Don’t worry, be happy
In every life we have some trouble
When you worry you make it double
Don’t worry, be happy ……” (Bobby McFerrin)

The song was released simultaneously with the movie, “Cocktail” in 1988. It became so popular that the song was used in the George H. W. Bush’s 1988 election campaign. It was used in many films and TV soundtracks in many forms. The song has conveyed its message of happiness to everyone. The simple message made a lot of people happy by telling them not to worry.

Then how can you make yourself happy? You can make yourself happy by changing your way of thinking. But some people are just contented about what is happening around in their life. They think they don’t require a change. But many people are not as happy as they want to be with their present position. They want to progress in their life.

If you too want progress, you have the greatest power of making changes in your life. If necessary, change yourself. While changing, you may come across so many difficulties. Even if you find yourself in a miserable condition, don’t worry.

“Because when you worry
Your face will frown
And that will bring everybody down
Don’t worry, be happy ………..” (Bobby McFerrin)

Another way of being happy and not to worry is just act like a child. Play with children sometimes. We all notice how most of the small children express happiness. They don’t worry. They are happy. They are just absorbed in their play. They don’t have any serious stress. They are healthy.

Involving in social networking and social relationships pave a way to happiness. In order to be happy with people, you should keep in mind that all the people are not alike.

You should accept them as what they are. Avoid clashes, arguments, and forget all kinds of bitterness.

To be happy is relatively easy. Just decide to be a happy person. Most people for most of the time can choose how happy or stressed, how relaxed or troubled, how bright or dull their outlook to be (Abraham Lincoln). The choice is yours. But choose to be as happy as you can be.

If you choose to be happy as much as you like, practice the following:  

1. Be Grateful

To be grateful is a part of positive mental attitude. Be thankful to your Mom and Dad for bringing you up. Be thankful to your spouse for taking care of you. Be grateful to your helper for keeping your house clean. Be thankful to the person who cooks your daily meals. Be grateful to your neighbor for living in harmony. Be Grateful to the Almighty God for giving you a wonderful life. You have so much to be grateful for in your daily life. Be thankful to anybody or anything that deserves your gratitude.

2. Avoid Bad News

Bad news in the morning spoils the whole day. Will you be happy if you read 10 innocent people including 3 women and 2 children have been gun down somewhere in the wee hour today? Will you be happy if you read a 16 year old girl has been killed today after a gang rape? Get less doze of bad news. Starting the day with bad news is not a sensible thing to do. So, be selective in your reading. Read all the headings first, and then choose the news that will give you positive feedback and stimulation. The purpose is to keep you happy throughout the day.

3. Happiness and Religion

For some people, there is a close connection between happiness and religion. If you are religious, be a part of a religious group which performs daily rituals like singing, chanting, prayers and meditations. That will foster inner peace and bring happiness to you.

4. Manage Your Time

Time is invaluable and too important to waste. Time management can be viewed as a list of rules that involves scheduling, setting goals, planning, creating to-do-lists and prioritizing. These are the core basics of time management. These should be understood to develop an efficient time management skill. These basic skills can be fine tuned to include the finer points of each skill that can give you extra benefits to get the results you want. If you can manage your time well, you will be a happy person.

5. Laugh Out Everyday

Laugh out heartily every day. Read joke books. Listen to your friends who are expert in making beautiful jokes. If you know good jokes, tell your friends or family members and laugh out together. But jokes should not hurt the sentiment of any one. Spend quality time with your family with jokes, stories, and quotes of happy people.   

6. Share Your Experiences

Share your experiences with your friends and family members. Express your feelings, affections, friendship and passion to people around you. Don’t suppress your anger. Channelize or sublimate it. Don’t keep any ill-feeling for anybody. Instead find out effective means to express them in a better way. Don’t hurt anyone’s sentiment and cause any injury.

If you are suffering from a bad man's injustice, forgive him lest there will be two bad men (Augustine).  

7. Work Hard

There is no substitute for hard work. It is important everywhere in our life. Hard work brings tremendous personal satisfaction. It gives a feeling of competency. If you are competent you are happy. Not only that, competency enables us to accomplish our tasks without much mistakes. It takes less time too. Accomplishment is necessary for all of us. It gives us a sense of self worth. And self worth makes you happy.

Last tips

Don’t worry. Worry gives a small thing a big shadow. A healthy person is a happy person. Learn some joyful exercises. Run, jog, walk and do other things that your organs and muscles require. These will give you physical and mental strength. And you will feel lively. These are the few simple things you can do everyday to be happy. Even after that you come across something undesirable,

“Don’t worry, it will soon past
Whatever it is
Don’t worry, be happy ……” (Bobby McFerrin)

Life is made up of a series of problems. And happiness lies in solving them one by one as you progress in your life. So, don’t worry, be happy.

Yours forever,
Rajendra Sagolsem 

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